Category Archives: Impact On Society

Welcome Analytics Staff Consortium!

The Analytics Staff Consortium (ASC) connects professional staff from across Harvard’s central administration and Schools who are analysts and whose work requires analytic expertise. The first year of the group was funded through a small grant from the Presidential Administrative Innovation Fund. Membership is voluntary and functions as a network designed to incubate and refine programmatic and other resources that support analysis at the university.

ASC’s charge is to:

  1. Improve the efficiency and quality of analysis through collaboration:
    1. Sharing expertise, information, and tools;
    2. Increasing dialogue across organizational boundaries and providing feedback and guidance to one another;
    3. Connecting colleagues with relevant people and groups on campus;
    4. Providing professional development opportunities; and
    5. Identifying expertise outside of Harvard in the form of print or digital materials or personnel.
  2. Address common analysis challenges and leverage collective expertise to inform and design solutions:
    1. Soliciting input about common interests, methodological questions and analysis challenges from the community; and
    2. Identifying priority cross-area projects and working on them collaboratively.